set up of the K-1 Micro Bead filter

Filtration, filtration and filtration are three core stones you should maintain if you want to keep the pond clean and fishes healthy for a long time. It is a myth that fishes doesn't live long. This happens because people overcrowd ponds and do not bother enough to do a proper filtration.

If you invested into a good reliable filter, you should also do few things to make sure it works properly and during a good long time. They are:

  • to make a clear plan of your unit
  • to spend time on a math to ensure all unites fit
  • to try to connect the equipment before final set up
  • go to the spot and set up your filtration system on a place

See Joey Acevedo of Hanako Koi Ponds explains and shows up how to set up a K1-1 Micro Bead filter in this short video.  

Here you can check up on how to cycle the filtration system after it's been set up.

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